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How to keep your home naturally cool during summer?

how to keep your home naturally cool during summer

As soon as the summer approaches, we look out for ways to stay cool and ditch the sunlight from dehydrating us. While staying indoors all the time is not in our hands, what is, in fact, in our hands is controlling the temperature of the home so that when we come back from a long and tiring day, we enter into a naturally relaxed and hydrating atmosphere.

Just like warm homes in winter feels welcoming, cool homes with no humidity feel equally welcome during summer. And if you work from home, it is even more important for you to have cool and breezy insides of the home to survive in the heat of the summer.

But that is where the main question arises. How to keep your home naturally cool during summer? Below are some of the best ways to naturally cool your home’s temperature and say goodbye to humidity. Following these steps can create a refreshing abode without turning on the ac.

10 ways to naturally keep your home cool during summer

Block sunlight from windows from entering the house

Block sunlight from windows from entering the house

Any place that receives direct sunlight during summer becomes super hot. So, the first answer to the question ‘how to keep your home cool during summer’ is blocking direct sunlight from entering the house through doors and windows.

It is an effective way to reduce the temperature of the home. You can do that by putting window blinds or curtains over the windows.

If you love sunlight, let it enter your house during the early morning hours when the sun is not too harsh. And then, shut the doors and windows and put the curtains just before noon to stop harsh sunlight from entering your home and making it too hot to handle.

Switch to lighter bed sheets

Switch to lighter bed sheets

People usually don’t sleep too much during summer, but they want their beds to be cool and breezy when they do. Such beds are only possible if you put light weighted, light-coloured, and cotton bed sheets on them. Cotton lets the skin breathe and is a very cool fabric that doesn’t make you sweat.

So, ditch silk, satin, and all other fabrics and let bad cotton sheets take over your bed to keep you cool throughout the night. You can opt for darker-tone ‘cotton bed sheets’ if you like dark-colored bed sheets. They will also do almost the same job as light-coloured bed sheets. Following this tip is a great way how to cool down room without ac.

Plant foliage and shade trees outside your home

Plant foliage and shade trees outside your home

We all add new saplings, plants, and flowers when the spring season arrives. But do you know plants are one of the best ways to many any place naturally cooler? They are the answer to the question ‘how to cool down house naturally’ because nature is incomplete without them.

So, make sure this year to plant thick foliage and plants that have a rapid growth rate and can provide a good amount of shade to keep your house cool from the outside.

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We know foliage that keeps the house from heating up takes some time to grow and do its job. But you must start someday to bear its fruits and keep your home safe from becoming a hot mess. So, why not start as soon as possible and get at least some of its benefits?

Turn off unimportant lights and other electronics

Turn off unimportant lights and other electronics

It is challenging to keep the house cool when it is full of electronic appliances that always give out so much heat. In that case, knowing how to keep house cool in extreme heat becomes even more important.

Because believe it or not but electronics play a huge role in making your home hot and humid. Every electronic release heat inside your home, making the temperature uncomfortable, especially during summer.

To keep the home cool and pleasant during summer, one must always switch off extra lights, fans, and other appliances that are not in use. In fact, one should not use microwaves and ovens when it’s too hot as they release more heat.

Keep the exhaust fans on

Keep the exhaust fans on

All the exhaust fans installed in your washrooms, kitchen, and anywhere else in your home must be turned on most of the summer. They also help a lot in taking out the moisture from the home and keeping it humidity free.

No matter what, remember to turn on the chimney while cooking food in your kitchen during the summer. If you can’t cook outside and grill your food to prevent your home from getting heated up, then at least cook with all the exhaust fans and chimneys turned on. Let them stay on until all the smoke is out of the house. It will restore the normal temperature of your house quickly.

Keep the rooms dark by using curtains

Keep the rooms dark by using curtains

When a house faces direct sunlight, it becomes a gas chamber when the sun comes out. And during summer time, it gets difficult to control the home’s temperature when it faces the sun directly. But then, how to keep the house cool that faces the sun?

If any of your room receives too much sunlight even after keeping the windows closed, then only dark shade curtains can help you keep it cool. We know summer means having light colors for everything, but we can change things according to our needs.

So, put some light weighted but dark-colored curtains on your windows and prevent heat and light from entering your home. Go for dark blue, brown, or black curtains made of cotton and keep the interior decoration game strong for your house while keeping it cool.

Add more plants inside your home

Add more plants inside your home

Do you know how to cool down house naturally? By planting more moisture-absorbing plants at home. We all know no one is as good as plants when it comes to absorbing moisture.

So, if you are a plant lover and don’t want your plant to die in the hot sun outside, why not shift them inside your house? Doing so will protect them from exposure to direct sunlight that burns their leaves and help your home stay cool with their presence.

If all of them are not indoor plants, keep them on the windows so that they get enough sunlight for survival and let their magic spread over your entire home. They will absorb all the moisture and give out oxygen to further cleanse the air and keep your home naturally cooler.

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Change the fabric and colors of the draperies you use

Change the fabric and colors of the draperies you use

We all have different draperies for the summer and winter seasons. It’s time to say goodbye to the thick coverings spread at different parts of your home if you want to keep the house cool that faces the sun.

Do you know all the cushions and mattresses we have at home give out some heat due to the stuff they are made of? On top of that, covering them with incorrect fabric according to the weather can further increase the amount of heat they produce.

Just change all the cushions and mattress covers, and other layered coverings from your house and have single-layered and light weighted coverings for them.

Keep the doors shut during the day and open them in the evening

Keep the doors shut during the day and open them in the evening

As you know, summer is when the loo rules the atmosphere, and as soon as we come in contact with a high amount of loo winds, we fall seriously ill and suffer dehydration. What can be done to prevent this from happening now and then? Keep all the doors closed from where the loo is and enter your home.

If you are looking for ways how to cool down room without ac, then do your best to stop the hot winds from the outside from entering your home.

Many beautiful plastic sheets available in the market can be hung at the main entrance so that when anyone comes inside, they don’t bring along the gust of heat with them. Doing so will keep the loo or hot winds out of your house and keep you healthy in your temperature-controlled home.

And when the sun is about to set and cool winds start blowing in the evening, open all the doors and windows and let your home get washed with fresh and cool air. It will further improve the atmosphere of your home naturally during summer.

Let all the interior doors stay open for airflow

Let all the interior doors stay open for airflow

The doors and windows of your home should stay shut that let the hot air from the outdoors. But all the doors and windows on the inside should stay open for good airflow. The best way to keep your home cool during summer is by letting the air pass through.

All that you have done till now, following the tips given above to keep your home chilled out and relaxed during summer, has created enough cool and fresh air inside your house. Now take your preparations to the next level and let the air travel as much as possible.

This will further lower the temperature of your house and keep it cool naturally. And that is how to keep house cool in extreme heat without turning on the ac.


Those are some of the best ways to keep your home calm, relaxed, and chilled during summer. And if you have pets at home, it is even more crucial to control your home’s temperature because fur babies cannot handle extreme heat. Lastly, if you plan to relocate your house in the summer, you must know the ultimate summer moving checklist to make your move foolproof.

For more details on home relocation and interior decoration ideas and to know the packers and movers charges in India, stay tuned to our website and contact our experts. Until then, stay cool and stay safe.

Anishka Luthra
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  1. Farhan

    There are each vining and non-climbing sorts, and so they do nicely as houseplants.

  2. Rehan

    Great Blog. Thanks for sharing with us.

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