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Delivery Cargo Logistics

Delivery Cargo Logistics

Delivery Cargo Logistics
4.0 on 1 Reviews
Delivery Cargo Logistics
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About Us

Delivery Cargo Logistics is one of the pre-eminent logistics service providers in the industry. The office of the firm is located in Burrabazar, Kolkata. Some of the main places for which the firm offers its services are Madhya Pradesh, Assam, Guwahati, Bihar, Bangalore, Chennai, Andhra Pradesh, and Agartala. The staff members of the firm assure hassle-free transportation services to the clients. The firm always puts the customer as the main focus.

The services provided by Delivery Cargo Logistics are listed below:

  • 24 hours transportation services
  • Logistics services
  • Packing and moving services
  • Loading and unloading services
  • Warehouse and distribution services, etc.

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    • Nature of Business
      Nature of Business Service Provider
    • Total no of Employees
      Total no of Employees 20-25
    • Payment Mode
      Payment ModeCash/Bank Transfer
    • 24*7 SupportYes

    Latest Reviews for Delivery Cargo Logistics

    Average Ratings 4.0 out of 1 Reviews
    • Quick and Fast

      They provide their services at good costs. And you can expect their service to be fast and quick.

      13 Feb 2023
      Bhawna Joshi
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    Contact Information about Delivery Cargo Logistics

    Head Office - Kolkata
    45, Kali Krishna Tagore Street, Burrabazar, Kolkata - 700007
    Kolkata 700007

    Working Hours

      Sunday - Saturday : 9 AM - 9 PM

    A Bio For Business
    • Insurance for Moving
    • Owned and Operated Locally
    • A Family-Owned and Operated Business

    Frequently Asked Questions - Delivery Cargo Logistics

    1. How can I contact Delivery Cargo Logistics ?

    You can contact Delivery Cargo Logistics via mail, toll-free number, and visiting Delivery Cargo Logistics office address.

    2. What modes of payment does Delivery Cargo Logistics accepts?

    Customers can pay for Delivery Cargo Logistics through Debit card, Credit cards, Net Banking, Cash, Wallets, Bank Transfer and others.

    3. What days are Delivery Cargo Logistics open?

    Delivery Cargo Logistics are open on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday & Sunday.

    4. Do I need to pay Delivery Cargo Logistics to provide quotes?

    No. You need not pay any charges to Delivery Cargo Logistics for providing quotes.

    5. What is the rating of Delivery Cargo Logistics?

    According to the working process and customers’ reviews, Delivery Cargo Logistics is 4.0 stars rated out of 1 reviews.

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