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Maanju Cargo Transport

Maanju Cargo Transport

Maanju Cargo Transport
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About Us

Maanju Cargo Transport is one of the impeccable cargo transportation service providers in the industry. The office of the firm is located in Kankarbagh, Patna.The firm has been offering its services since 2012 in the industry. The staff members of the firm perform each step of the packing and moving process professionally. The services offered by Maanju Cargo Transport are ODC transportation services, vehicle transportation services, packing and moving services, construction equipment transportation services, All India transportation services, trailer transportation services, and roadway transportation services. The firm offers different transportation service packages for the customers at the best deal.

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Contact Information about Maanju Cargo Transport

Head Office - Patna
Parking Gate No 1, Transport Nagar, Patna - 800026, Near Pani Tanki
Patna 800026

Working Hours

    Sunday - Saturday : 9 AM - 9 PM

A Bio For Business
  • Insurance for Moving
  • Owned and Operated Locally
  • A Family-Owned and Operated Business

Frequently Asked Questions - Maanju Cargo Transport

1. How can I contact Maanju Cargo Transport ?

You can contact Maanju Cargo Transport via mail, toll-free number, and visiting Maanju Cargo Transport office address.

2. What modes of payment does Maanju Cargo Transport accepts?

Customers can pay for Maanju Cargo Transport through Debit card, Credit cards, Net Banking, Cash, Wallets, Bank Transfer and others.

3. What days are Maanju Cargo Transport open?

Maanju Cargo Transport are open on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday & Sunday.

4. Do I need to pay Maanju Cargo Transport to provide quotes?

No. You need not pay any charges to Maanju Cargo Transport for providing quotes.

5. What is the rating of Maanju Cargo Transport?

According to the working process and customers’ reviews, Maanju Cargo Transport is 4.5 stars rated.

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